2023-2024 Jail Manager Certification Commission
COMMISSION CHAIR Amber Redmond, CJM Deputy Director Douglas County Department of Corrections Omaha, Nebraska amber.redmond@douglascounty-ne.gov
COMMISSION VICE-CHAIR John Johnson, PhD, CJM Assistant Director of Custody Services Miami Dade Corrections & Rehabilitation Department Miami, Florida John.Johnson@miamidade.gov
Reese Walker, CJM Captain Shelby County Division of Corrections Memphis, Tennessee reese.walker@shelbycountytn.gov
Danielle Frane, CJM, CCE, CCHP Superintendent Norfolk County Sheriff's Office Dedham, Massachusetts dfrane@norfolksheriffma.org
Dorothy Harris, MBA, CJM Major Charleston County Juvenile Detention Center North Charleston, South Carolina dharris@charlestoncounty.org