President's Commentary
Hundreds Connect and Achieve at AJA Conference & Jail Expo

The conference included approximately 60 workshops presented by national experts in the field of corrections. AJA offered a diverse and dynamic group of speakers and panelists who provided valuable insights plus actionable and practical tools to take home.
More than 800 corrections professionals from all across the country converged in Omaha, Nebraska for the American Jail Association’s (AJA) 42nd annual Conference & Jail Expo. The theme of the 2023 conference was “Connect & Achieve.” The conference is the only one of its kind—focusing exclusively on local jails and detention facilities.
The 2023 conference was held in Omaha from May 20 -24. The beautiful CHI Health Center Omaha provided an inviting venue for the conference. The CHI Health Center is the crown jewel of downtown Omaha’s $2 billion riverfront revitalization.
Kicking off the conference was a special event called “Partnership Saturday” where AJA provided access for its federal agency partners for inform attendees about their initiatives, projects and areas of expertise. One of AJA’s ongoing shared goals is to foster collaborative partnerships to benefit local corrections and the community.
The Douglas County Department of Corrections served as the host agency. A huge shout out goes out to Douglas County for acting as such a cordial and welcoming host. Many of the conference attendees participated in their local jail tours and commented favorably on the experience.
I had the honor as AJA President to join Executive Director Chris Daniels and Michael Myers of the Host Agency to cut the ribbon to the Jail Expo. The Expo was the place to connect with more than 200 vendors who support jails, to see new products, and to discuss individual agency needs with company representatives in person.
I also want to applaud our corporate sponsors who make it possible for the American Jail Association to support the jail professionals we serve. On behalf of the American Jail Association, I want to acknowledge our 2023 Top Level Sponsors, and thank them for their support and generosity.
Attendees had ample time to connect and achieve over five days filled with workshops, leadership development programs, roundtables, and educational opportunities. The conference agenda covered multiple timely topics including emerging issues, strategic inmate management, agency culture, risk liability and legal issues, tribal jails, leadership development, jail technology, classification and programming challenges, staff wellness, and medical and mental health.
The conference included approximately 60 workshops presented by national experts in the field of corrections. AJA offered a diverse and dynamic group of speakers and panelists who provided valuable insights plus actionable and practical tools to take home. Throughout the conference, AJA showcased jail best practices that attendees could apply at their respective agencies. Many attendees reported that the conference helped to improve their skills and knowledge, which they can use to provide better services to inmates and ensure the security of their facilities.
While the conference agenda followed multiple diverse tracks, there were some common themes and trials that nearly all jail professionals are grappling with at this juncture. In talking with people from many different agencies, it became clear that nearly all departments are currently dealing with staffing shortages and recruitment challenges.
Staff wellness was another prevalent theme as organizations scramble to respond to the rampant stress, burnout, and mental health crises exacerbated by the pandemic. The pandemic adversely impacted employee mental health and wellness programs must adapt to provide the proper resources for these new challenges. In the U.S, the COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020 caused widespread lockdowns and disruptions in daily life and now three years later while Americans have largely returned to normal, the challenges with mental health remain.
Mental health was definitely top of mind at the conference. In Orange County, Florida, 46% of inmates have some sort of mental health diagnosis. In fact, Orange County Corrections is the largest mental provider in Central Florida. And mental health is not a concern unique to the inmate population. According to the Pew Research Center, at least four-in-10 U.S. adults have experienced high levels of psychological distress at some point during the pandemic and beyond.
A personal highlight of this year’s conference was being inducted as President of AJA’s Board of Directors. It is a genuine honor and a privilege to be serving as President of the Board of the American Jail Association, and I intend to make mental health a priority, and to provide valuable opportunities to highlight the positive steps that can be taken to promote mental health and wellbeing. We need to continue to work to counter the stigma associated with mental illness. In May we celebrated Mental Health Awareness Month which is a time dedicated to raising awareness of the continuing need to make mental health a priority for all people. Mental health issues are common and can affect any one of us.
Attending an AJA conference is always an energizing and inspiring experience. Attendees return to their respective agencies filled with new ideas and information, and knowledge of new jail technologies. The social aspect of the conference is also enriching as it provides the occasion to network with like-minded professionals and to learn about their unique experiences in the field of corrections. The annual event brought together a community of professionals from across the country to meet and to discuss jail operations as well as share ideas and solutions.
The conference was very well attended so thank you to all who participated and contributed to its success. AJA depends on engaged and involved attendees to add interest to the conference. It was great seeing so many of you at the Conference & Jail Expo. Your presence helped to make the event informative and worthwhile. So thank you again for all the great connections made and information shared.
Remember, later this year the AJA Mental Health Summit will be in Charleston, South Carolina from October 3–5. And next year, I am pleased to say that AJA is bringing it back to the sunshine state and its 43rd Conference & Jail Expo will take place in Fort Lauderdale. It will run from May 18–22 in 2024. I hope to see you there.,shout-out Louis A. Quiñones, Jr., CJM, CCE President American Jail Association

Louis Quiñones, Jr, CCE, CJM

Attending an AJA conference is always an energizing and inspiring experience. Attendees return to their respective agencies filled with new ideas and information, and knowledge of new jail technologies. The social aspect of the conference is also enriching as it provides the occasion to network with like-minded professionals...