Congratulations to the 44th Graduating Class of the National Jail Leadership Academy

Thirty-five men and women from 19 states graduated on November 18, 2022, as members of Class 44 of the National Jail Leadership Command Academy (NJLCA). The leadership program is a collaboration of the American Jail Association and the Correctional Management Institute of Texas and is held on the campus of Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas.
Through five days of instruction by veteran jail practitioners and through interaction with one another, graduates developed leadership skills that enable them to successfully transition to senior leadership positions in their agencies.
Pictured is the 44th Class of the National Jail Leadership Command Academy, faculty, and staff.

Jeffrey R. Adcock, Lieutenant
Rappahannock Regional Jail, Stafford, VA
Patrick W. Allen, Lieutenant
Davidson County Sheriff’s Office, Nashville, TN
Leah Anderson, Director
Las Vegas Metro Police Department, Las Vegas, NV
Don Mitchell Aulds, Detention Lieutenant
Kaufman County Sheriff’s Office, Kaufman, TX
Peter Battista, Lieut./Grievance Coordinator
Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office, Jamesville, NY
Roger W. Clark, Lieutenant
Louisville Metro Corrections, Louisville, KY
Jamal Crooke, Sergeant
USVI Bureau of Corrections, St. Thomas, VI
Gary Dirnberger, Lieutenant
Dona Ana County Detention, Las Cruces, NM
Abigail S. Duffy, Detention Chief
Charleston County Sheriff’s Office, Charleston, SC
James C. Floyd, Director of Detention
Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Mullins, SC
William J. Fritz, Lieutenant
Dallas County Sheriff’s Department, Dallas, TX
Brian Gsell, Shift Commander
Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Hagerstown, MD
Brett Hamstead, Lieutenant
Delaware Department of Corrections, Georgetown, DE
Michaela Harris, Corrections Admin. Lieutenant
Riley County Police Department, Manhatten, KS
Louis A. Hassell II, Security Administrator
USVI Bureau of Corrections, Kingshill, VI
Lindsay Henson, Lieutenant
York County Detention Center, York, SC
Shannon Herklotz, Chief of Detentions
Harris County Sheriff’s Office, Houston, TX
Robert A. Ibarra, Sergeant
Pinal County Sheriff’s Office, Florence, AZ
Briana N. Jackson, Correctional Sergeant
Davidson County Sheriff’s Office, Nashville, TN
Isaac Lewis, Lieutenant
Delaware Department of Corrections, Georgetown, DE
Jessica Lujan, Lieutenant
Dona Ana County Detention Center, Las Cruces, NM
Aaron Mann, Lieutenant
Garland County Detention Center, Hot Springs, AR
Stan Moran, Sergeant
Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, Columbus, OH
Forrest Mott II, Correctional Sergeant
Miami Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation Department, Miami, FL
Robert C. Nutter, Sergeant
Pinal County Sheriff’s Office, Florence, AZ
Jesse Ortega, Sergeant
Los Alamos County Detention, Los Alamos, NM
Amy Randall, Assistant Jail Administrator
Midland County Sheriff’s Office, Midland, MI
Tracie Marie Sasin, Sergeant
Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office, Lubbock, TX
William Sheffield, Lieutenant
Randall County Sheriff’s Office, Amarillo, TX
Devan Simpson, Corrections Sergeant
Louisville Metro Corrections, Louisville, KY
Darryl P. Smith, Sergeant
Hernando County Sheriff’s Office, Brooksville, FL
Robert L. Taylor, Lieutenant
Rappahannock Regional Jail, Stafford, VA
Stacy Teel, Detention Sergeant
Kaufman County Sheriff’s Office, Kaufman, TX
Corey Sewell Whittaker, Correctional Lieutenant
Miami Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation Department, Miami, FL
Derek Don Williamson, Lieutenant
San Diego Sheriff’s Department, San Diego, CA