How One Man is Harnessing the Power of Music to Give Hope to Incarcerated Populations
For over 20 years, Gedalya (stage name) has entertained and inspired audiences with his folk-rock melodies and uplifting lyrics. Now, he is bringing his musical message of hope and healing to a larger audience with his nonprofit organization, A New Song USA.
Music’s Impact on Our World
Whether prompting memories in people with dementia (Morris, 2022), improving the health of aging adults (Howell, 2024), decreasing symptoms of depression (Aalbers et al., 2017), or strengthening neonatal brain development (UNICEF, n.d.), music has the power to substantially impact our lives at any age or stage. A recently published study from Harvard scientists sought to prove the age-old saying that music is a universal language, and the results were overwhelmingly supportive of this tenet. The researchers examined 315 societies around the world and found music in each one (Gottlieb, 2019). Across all language, economic, and social barriers, the message of music is identifiable.
The intention of A New Song may not be as monumental as finding evidence of long-held global beliefs, but the mission still matters. Helping a small group or even a single person facing hardship, fear, or hopelessness has great meaning, and that’s the beauty of music. It has the power to make a difference both on a large scale—connecting a country of people through a national anthem performance—and on a small scale—soothing a frightened child with a softly sung lullaby.
Concerts, too, provide a unique benefit for attendees, whether inside or outside of jail. Going to a concert strengthens the connection with others and provides a feeling of community. In addition, attending music performances improves hormone levels and immune function, increases self-worth, and even relieves physical pain (Incadence, n.d.).
Music reignites memories and transports the listener to a different time and place. Is there a song that brings you back to your first dance, a summer weekend spent with friends, or to your childhood home with your mother humming in the other room? Music can calm, energize, excite, or sadden us.
Aside from the emotional and nostalgic effects, music also has cognitive benefits. It stimulates brain function, improves learning, and strengthens neural networks (Budson, 2020). The right song can light a spark in our minds and our souls.
The Mission of A New Song
Gedalya is an Orthodox Jew, but the messages in his songs are intentionally created to be nondenominational. “My music is very universally spiritual,” he acknowledged, adding that the goal is to share his songs with people from all backgrounds who are searching for connection, inspiration, or strength. To ensure as many people can find enjoyment and comfort in his music as possible, his lyrics are written to be inclusive and welcoming to all.
Concerts for incarcerated populations, which A New Song provides for free, have long been popular for providing beneficial entertainment and improving inmates’ moods and outlooks. By performing within penal facilities, Gedalya is in good company with numerous celebrated musicians from the past. Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra, The Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, and Metallica have all performed concerts for inmates.
As a nonprofit organization, A New Song’s intentions go beyond providing incarcerated people with short-term entertainment. The charity was created as a vehicle to connect jail inmates with a healthy outlet for their energies and a temporary reprieve from their worries. Music brings people a sense of connection during incarceration, both with others in jail and with the world outside the jail walls. During a time when isolation and loneliness are difficult to avoid, connection through music is that much more important.
Making mistakes is a universal human experience, and everyone can benefit from being treated with compassion and respect. Through Gedalya’s music, A New Song provides inmates with a soundtrack for the next chapter of their lives, one that can be filled with positive change and second chances.
Why Music with a Message Matters During Incarceration
Incarcerated individuals face a myriad of disparities, including health, financial, and social. People who spend time in jail face significant stigma (Feingold, 2021). The discrimination and barriers to reintegrating into society can impact them before their time in jail ends in the form of anxiety and depression. A New Song uses music’s ability to improve symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other harmful psychological conditions to help those incarcerated in jail and awaiting trial.
A large body of evidence suggests that incarceration with a rehabilitative approach can have positive results (Dahl & Mogstad, 2020). While Gedalya’s music alone cannot make the system inherently rehabilitative, his songs can provide a crucial element—hope. There is no rehabilitation without hope. When inmates begin to feel sincere optimism and longing for the future, these feelings can inspire true change.
Spirituality has been linked to numerous positive effects, including decreased criminal behavior, less substance abuse, and better mental health (Roman & Roman, 2019). The songs performed by Gedalya and A New Song are spiritual folk-rock tracks that have comforted and unified audiences globally for decades, and that same hopeful spirituality can be shared with incarcerated populations during times of great need. Prioritizing the mental health of individuals in jail presents unique challenges, but spirituality has been proven to foster a sense of togetherness and understanding (National Alliance on Mental Illness, n.d.).
Combining the power of music and spirituality creates a powerhouse of inspiration and empowerment for the incarcerated population. In his outreach with A New Song, Gedalya intends to provide unity through music, strength in song, and hope with lyrics. And just like he says in the closing song of his latest album, This is My World, we can move the world with music.
Geoffrey Sloshay, known by his stage name Gedalya, is a folk-rock singer/songwriter with six albums and a dedicated fanbase around the world. His music combines the distinctive but classic sound of folk-rock melodies with inspirational lyrics and messages of hope that transcend religious denominations. His songs have comforted and uplifted people from all walks of life, and he hopes to continue sharing his music through his nonprofit organization, A New Song USA.
Aalbers, S., Fusar-Poli, L., Freeman, R., Spreen, M., Ket, J., Vink, A., Maratos, A., Crawford, M., Chen, X., & Gold, C. (2017, November 16). Music therapy for depression. National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6486188/
Budson, A. E. (2020, October 7). Why is music good for the brain?. Harvard Health. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/why-is-music-good-for-the-brain-2020100721062
Dahl, G. B., & Mogstad, M. (2020, April 6). The benefits of rehabilitative incarceration. National Bureau of Economic Research. https://www.nber.org/reporter/2020number1/benefits-rehabilitative-incarceration
Faith & spirituality. National Alliance on Mental Illness. (n.d.). https://www.nami.org/Your-Journey/Individuals-with-Mental-Illness/Faith-Spirituality
Feingold, Z. R. (2021). The stigma of incarceration experience: A systematic review. American Psychological Association. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2021-90442-001?doi=1
Good news for music lovers: Attending concerts can be good for your health. Incadence Music Therapy Blog. (n.d.). https://www.incadence.org/post/good-news-for-music-lovers-attending-concerts-can-be-good-for-your-health
Gottlieb, J. (2019, November 21). New Harvard Study Says Music is universal language. Harvard Gazette. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2019/11/new-harvard-study-establishes-music-is-universal/
How music affects your baby’s brain: Mini parenting master class. UNICEF Parenting. (n.d.). https://www.unicef.org/parenting/child-development/how-music-affects-your-babys-brain-class#:~:text=Music%20ignites%20all%20areas%20of%20child%20development%20and,improve%20mathematical%20learning%2C%20and%20even%20increases%20school%20scores
Howell, J. (2024, February). The sound of music. National Poll on Healthy Aging. https://www.healthyagingpoll.org/reports-more/report/sound-music
Morris, S. G. & W. (2022, November 25). Dementia: How music can bring people back into the here and now. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-63703878
Roman, C., & Roman, J. (2019, January 16). Rehabilitation through spirituality and faith: Why isn’t the prison and reentry reform movement focused on the capacity building of responsive and compelling change agents? Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs. https://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/responses/rehabilitation-through-spirituality-and-faith-why-isn-t-the-prison-and-reentry-reform-movement-focused-on-the-capacity-building-of-responsive-and-compelling-change-agents